Monday, November 21, 2016

`` Bioterrorism, Embryonic Stem Cells, And Frankenstein By...

`` Bioterrorism, Embryonic Stem Cells, And Frankenstein By...

As Mankind continues to advance it is pursuit of knowledge, it is faced with myriad dilemmas, particularly in the cases of cloning, stem cell experimentation, and the genetic sequencing of viruses and pathogens. The academic article "Bioterrorism, Embryonic Stem Cells, and Frankenstein" written by Patrick Guinan, discusses the morality and potential hubris of sciences continued exploration of seemingly forbidden areas, as well as humanities identity and potential desire to achieve knowledge to rival God. Guinan 's research aims to explore, question, and ultimately bring light to the potential issues that may arise from such pursuits. This research raises several questions, as well as causes of concern, which will all be addressed in this essay. The author of this article makes use of intelligent analysis, evidence from ages both recent and ancient, and well thought out discourse, in order to cause readers to consider just what ethics and morality is to science, as well as what it is to our identity as humanity as a whole. It is important to understand the references to history that the author uses, in order to properly read and understand this articles intentions. First the author references the anthrax attack carried out by terrorists in 2001. These attacks consisted of letters with anthrax spores inside of them, which were then mailed different news offices and the offices of two U.S. Senators. The attacks killed five people and infected nearly 20 others. Guinan 's

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