Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Recycling Center Environmental Impact Statement Essay

Recycling Center Environmental Impact Statement Essay

Recycling Center Environmental Impact Statement


This paper will present an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) of a proposed construction project of a new recycling center in a rural area. The proposed project is to be built in a nonattainment area. The EIS will address land–use and development, social and neighborhood effects, economic factors, air quality, noise, and water resources as it relates to the proposed project. Included in the process will be three alternatives as well as a no build alternative. The Environmental Impact Statement will provide a detailed scoping of the project along with the alternatives that will ensure all potential impacts are addressed prior to project approval.

Land Area

The ... Show more content on ...The NSR program requires companies to obtain a permit for new construction or major modifications that substantially increase a facility's emissions of the NAAQS."

Once the scoping process is complete a permit must be acquired according to the NSR program for approved construction.

Land–use concerns are one of the most important factors that must be addressed when proposing a project of this magnitude. Community involvement and feedback is essential to determining the overall effects the proposed project will have on the community. According to Marriott (1997) "the analysis and adoption of comprehensive or land–use plans are one of the most interactive types of environmental impact assessment studies and can involve many factions of the affected community." Analyzing community concerns regarding land–use will be of significant importance.

The proposed recycling center would be located in a rural area that has many farms and consists of numerous waterways. The population is medium in size and spread throughout the area. Most of the farms divert water from the waterways for their crops and several unincorporated towns use the water for non–potable use. The towns get their drinking water from the ground water via wells. There is one two–lane highway that runs through the area linking several small towns and the adjacent farms.

Alternatives The preferred

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