Friday, November 11, 2016

The Effects of Aerobic Exercise Among Adolescents with...

The Effects of Aerobic Exercise Among Adolescents with...

The Effects of Aerobic Exercise Among Adolescents with Mild to Moderate Depression

Kaplan and Sadock (as cited in Brollier, Hamrick & Jacobson, 1994) stated that depression, during the teen years, has become an increasing area of concern in psychiatry (Kaplan & Sadock, 1991. Kashani, Carlson, Beck, Hoeper, Corcoran, McAllister, Fallahi, Rosenberg and Reid (as cited in Brollier, Hamrick ,& Jacobson, 1994) studied the prevalence of depression in adolescents and reported that approximately 8% of adolescents experienced depressive disorders. Kaplan and Sadock (as cited in Brollier et al., 1994) suggested that new forms of treatment are needed when dealing with adolescents because adolescents often do not respond well to medications, ... Show more content on ...Only a handful of studies have been completed to observe this area of study. Norris, Carroll and Cochrane (1992) found that students at a secondary school who stated they exercised regularly, produced lower scores on the Multiple Affect Adjective Check List, developed by Zukerman and Lubin. Brown, Welsh, Labbe, Vitulli and Kulkarni (1992) found that aerobic exercise was beneficial for 54 depressed patients, of both sexes, with the average age being 15.6 years of age. However, this study found that the female participants reported a greater amount of change in depression, anger, exhaustion, anxiety and confusion, following the nine week study. Although the male subjects did see improvements in their psychological states, the female participants were slightly better off. Another study conducted by Brollier et al. (1994) found that of the four adolescent, male participants they were able to work with in their study, all were able to gain some benefit from the aerobic exercise of jogging. All the participants reported less depressive symptoms, as well as enhanced energy, and a better self concept in general.

Although there have been a few studies conducted in the area of exercise and depression, almost all the studies have used aerobic exercise as their independent variable, with only a few

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