Thursday, November 24, 2016

Use of Violence as the Main Reason for Mussolini's...

Use of Violence as the Main Reason for Mussolini's...

Use of Violence as the Main Reason for Mussolini's Consolidation of Power from 1922–1928


· Several reasons why Mussolini was able to consolidate his power between 1922 and 1928, such as Mussolini?s actions and strategy, co–operation from the elite and the failure of his opposition.

· However, I believe the most significant reason was the use of violence.

Paragraph 1: Use of Violence

· July 1923: The Chamber, surrounded by Blackshirts, passed the Acerbo Law. This said that the party gaining the most votes in an election, provided that they obtained at least 25% of the votes, would take two–thirds of the seats.

· April 1924: Militia violence during the election. 1 ... Show more content on ...· May 1924: Matteotti Crisis ? the murder of Matteotti led to the Aventine Secession and Mussolini setting up his dictatorship.

· Can see it was a very significant reason.

Paragraph 2: Mussolini?s Actions and Strategy

· November 1922: Mussolini?s first speech as Prime Minister to the Chamber of Deputies. With its mixture of references to legality and intimidation it appealed to both the elite and the ras.

· July 1923: Acerbo Law. A good tactic however it may not have been passed without the intimidation of the Blackshirts. Therefore violence is a more important factor.

Paragraph 3: Failure of the Opposition

· April 1924: Whilst the government drew up its list of approved candidates for the election, conveniently for Mussolini the opposition remained split, and the Communist Party rejected a PSI proposal for a joint Left list. The various Liberal factions also failed to agree on one list.

· Aventine Secession: third of the MP?s leave parliament and try to form a new government. They think the King will dismiss Mussolini. However this was a tactical error as the official parliament now has no critics of Mussolini.

· Potential critics kept quiet. However this is mainly due to their fear of the Blackshirts, and therefore I believe Blackshirt violence was a more important

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