1988 USrgeon General's Report
Smoking at Ashland University is a problem. However, the problem of smoking has been raging for nearly 200 years. The reason this problem keeps raging is because there is not an easy solution. The problem of smoking and the arguments against it touch almost every aspect of life. There are not only scientific arguments, but ethical, legal, medical, social, and a host of others fronts that can be used for and against tobacco and smoking. At Ashland University it is no different. There are many factors that must be considered before making a decision to ban all smoking on all outdoor areas of Ashland's campus.
From my experience with the tobacco wars from the class "Science as a Cultural Force: The Tobacco Wars", I am prepared to propose and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...So, it is perfectly rational to call smoking an "addiction" in my policy above. The main topic of 1988 US Surgeon General's Report was if tobacco was addictive. It stated three main conclusions. First, it said that cigarettes and other forms of tobacco are addictive. Second, it stated that the reason they are addictive is because of the nicotine found in them. Thirdly, it stated that this addictiveness is much like heroin or cocaine. Prior to this report and since then there have been other studies and experiments stating the addictiveness of tobacco and the effects of nicotine on the body. It is known that nicotine increases the levels of dopamine in the brain and causes a burst of adrenaline. This burst of adrenaline is pleasurable and is what is known as the "rush" or "kick" from smoking. DeNoble and Mele figured out that rats would rather have nicotine than food and water once they were addicted. Phillip Morris stopped them from publishing their findings in 1983. In 1995, Stoleman and Jarvis did a study on nicotine's addictiveness and found that there are many different withdrawal symptoms people go through when they are deprived of nicotine. They also found that this withdrawal is only relieved by a nicotine and not a smoking placebo. This again furthers the fact that smoking is addictive. Once a person starts smoking it quickly becomes an
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