Monday, December 12, 2016

3 Stages Of Alzheimer's Disease

3 Stages Of Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease is a chronic, neurodegenerative disorder that attacks the brain's neurons, resulting in loss in memory, destruction of thinking and verbal skills, and changes in behavior (Kerr & Small, 2005). It is known as the most common factor of promoting dementia after the age of 65. Besides, the estimation of dementia sufferers is 24 million people in the beginning of 21st century, and it is assumed that the figure may rise threefold by 2040 (Kawas, 2003; "The three stages of Alzheimer's disease", 2011). This essay will discuss biological features of Alzheimer's disease in neurological, cortical and physiological perspectives. It will then evaluate how the progressive damage that may lead to cognitive impairment. Finally, some ... Show more content on ...The third symptoms of dementia – Neurofibrillary tangles are formed by abnormal combination of microtubule–associated protein called tau. In healthy neuron, tau binds to microtubules, helping them to stabilize and transport nutrients and messages from one cell body to another cell body. (Cohen et al., 2013) In Alzheimer's disease, yet, the tau proteins hyper–phosphorylate and aggregate with each other, causing collapse of microtubules, tangles formations and decommission of nerve cells. Moreover, destruction of neurons stops the message passing on (Lee et al., 2005). Well–beings perceive visual information is first processed in the occipital lobes. Then, signals are transmitted to parietal lobes, and locate the target organs or cells. Meanwhile, the signals are passed to the temporal lobes, to recall the memories from previous events. As for Alzheimer's disease patients, interruption of signal transmission results in mistaken recognition of faces or objects, which is termed Prosopagnosia (NHS, 2014). Also, Teuber (1968) suggested agnosia as a "normal percept that has somehow been stripped of its meaning" (P.293), which means agnosia sufferers are able to acquire information from the outside world but not acknowledged, then the originally obtained implication is no longer associated with it. Prosopagnosia can be caused by suffering damage through a disease in various parts

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