Thursday, December 15, 2016

A Biological Family In Kingsolver's The Bean Trees

A Biological Family In Kingsolver's The Bean Trees

Everyone has a biological family, but sometimes people give up their children or when children grow up they sometimes decide to leave this biological family. But, this does not mean that these children have given up a family forever. According to, a family is "a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household". This definition generates the idea that family does not have to be biological. In The Bean Trees, Kingsolver uses the intimacy between the character to suggest the idea that non biological families can be as strong or even stronger than biological ones.

The connection to Taylor's heritage helps to create a sense of family and belonging when she is in Cherokee nation. When she first leaves home, Taylor drives through Cherokee nation which, reminds her of her heritage and family so she decides to write a letter to her mom. On the postcard, she writes: "No offense, but the Cherokee Nation is crap. Headed west. Love, M" (16). This shows the connection between her and the Cherokees. When she writes "Cherokee Nation is crap" it shows how she is leaving her heritage and family behind. Also, she says "headed west", this indicates her continuing her journey which can foreshadow to a new family or heritage. While she is in Cherokee Nation Taylor is coming out of a bar and she suddenly receives a child. When Taylor first begins her journey she receives a baby in the middle of nowhere, and she thinks "I can take this Indian child back

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