Account for the Failure of Nationalist Movements in...
Account for the general failure of nationalist movements in Southeast Asia in the period 1900–1941.
The failure to achieve political independence of pre–war nationalism in Southeast Asia was mainly due to the interplay of nationalist factors, impact of colonial response and inherent society composition. Nationalist disunity watered down mass support which was key to success, while colonial rule hindered the development of nationalism and the nature Southeast Asian society made unification hard to achieve. Different causes had different level of significance in different countries.
Firstly, the ideological disunity among nationalist manifested through the existence of a myriad of different movements with diverging aims and methods, ... Show more content on ...Furthermore the SCBA was in fact pro–British and even aided Britain in her war effort. In the Philippines, sincere American concessions such as Filipinization and mass education to equip local leaders with requisite training for office left the nationalists with little scope to agitate over, resulting in placid movements like Partido Nacionalista. This showed how colonial concession was a hindrance to the politicization of movements.
Lastly colonial implementation of carrot and stick concurrently exacerbated the existing divisions between nationalists groups making a unified front impossible. In Burma the British harshly suppressed the radical pongyis which had the mass mobilization ability but was benevolent towards the moderate Western–educated politicians who were able to achieve constitutional progress. In Malaya the British emphasized on policies protecting Malay rights in administration and land, leading to a series of Chinese and Indian movements demanding equal racial rights such as the SCBA and CIAM. This divide–and–rule policy ruled out the possibility of a combination of mass support and political capability which will then challenge the colonial government.
In addition, the very nature of Southeast Asian society was that it is deeply divided along class, cultural–racial and religious
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