Monday, May 8, 2017

Advantages Of An Advertising Agency

Advantages Of An Advertising Agency

. When using an advertising agency the agency would use all their professional resources to make the advert such as high quality cameras and editing software. The agency would have access to all resources which the business may not have access to which gives the business an advantage as they would get a professional looking advert which would increase sales of the goods and services advertised in the advert as the advert would be getting the target groups attention and would interest them to buy the goods and services.

2. When the advertising agency has made the professional advert for the business this would develop the businesses brand name as the audience would see that the business is able to afford to pay an advertising agency to make ... Show more content on ...When using an advertising agency, the business would give in all their ideas for the advert that they are interested on having and the agency would have to use these ideas to make the final advert. The agency may end up making a advert which the business doesn't like as they haven't followed the ideas and would be because of miscommunicate. The business would have lots of ideas which the agency would follow and it would be easy for them to get somethings mixed up. Which would means that the advert may not be up to the businesses acceptations. This may mean that the advert would take longer to make as the agency would have to start plaining the advert again.

9. When using an advertising agency there may be conflict of interest as the business may give the advertising agency some ideas and they may not like them causing them to disagree to follow the idea. The business would want the idea being used in the advert but the agency may diced not to use it as it may make the advert not look professional. So the ideas which the business comes up with might not be chosen in the final advert even if they were ideas which the business really wanted in the advert. the advertising agency would have a lot of experience in making adverts so they would know what makes a good

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