Albert Einstein Essay
Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Wüttemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. While he was still an infant, the family moved to Munich. Albert's father was plagued with business failures throughout his life, and after one such failure, he moved his family to Milan, Italy. Einstein was, at first, left behind to finish his schooling at the Luitpold Gymnasium, but he disapproved of this choice, and followed his family to Milan.
Albert decided to attempt to skip the rest of gymnasium and tried to pass the test he needed in order to do so. He failed the Zürich Poly entrance examination on his first attempt, and so he was sent by his family to finish school in Aarau, where Albert actually enjoyed being educated, unlike his gymnasium experience. ... Show more content on ...One year after he obtained his job at the Patent office, in 1903, Albert Einstein married his sweetheart from Zürich Poly, Mileva Marie. The two had a daughter before they were married, a daughter which was given up for adoption the same year they were married. Unfortunately, their marriage was unsuccessful. Mileva was prone to periods of depression, and appeared to be jealous of Einstein's free–acting friends (Cropper). Still, Einstein was not completely void of fault, as his attention was given, not to his wife, but to his work, and failed to give his marriage the work that it required.
During Einstein's employment at the Patent Office, he did the majority of his life's works in his spare time. In 1905, Einstein published three important articles–each on a different topic.
The first dealt with electromagnetism, especially focusing on the contributions Max Planck had made. "Einstein used Planck's quantum hypothesis to describe visible electromagnetic radiation, or light" ( Einstein's theory formed the basis for a large part of quantum mechanics.
The second paper of 1905 discussed the special theory of relativity. "Einstein realized that the equations describing the motion of an electron in fact could describe the nonaccelerated motion of any particle or any suitably defined rigid body"
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